Madison Alabama

Welcome to the Maple Ridge Community website! 

If you are a homeowner and have not registered for full access you please do so!

Registering on the website will give you access to view any balance on your property, communicate with the board, file requests, and even pay your dues! We hope to add additional useful features in the future as well so come back often!


If you are not living in Maple Ridge and are here to learn more about our community, visit the about page under the Community tab on the Navigation Bar above. You may also use the contact form if you have specific questions that may not be answered on the website.


Thanks for visiting!

Our History

Maple Ridge Subdivision was established in 2009. At its completion there are a total of 50 homes. Many of the current owners are the original purchasers of their homes. Maple Ridge is continually working to improve our community and connection between neighbors. Although a continual process our vision is to have a tight-knit community of neighbors as friends, by creating a safe, enjoyable, and wholesome place to live.